
How to protect from Dengue.


Dengue is a flu like disease which spread by Aedes mosquito. Where most of the people infected very dengue but they have no symptoms. Where it can cause a feverish illness and in rare cases people can become seriously unwell and they have a need of hospital care and some will get die from dengue.
It is more common in tropical and subtropical climates where most of the people who cot by dengue they have some common symptoms like high fever headache body HS and rashes most of them get better in one two three weeks and sub people develope d server dengue and need care in hospital. Where you can lower your race of dengue by avoiding mosquito bite especially during the day. Where dengue created with pain medicine as there is no specific treatment currently.

How to find that you have dangue or not.

It is very important to know that you have dying group or not because most of the people infected with dengue but they don’t have any symptoms.


Symptoms of dengue may include

1. A sudden high fever of up to 40 degree Celsius.
2. Pain behind the eyes.
3. Muscle and joint pains.
4. Vomiting.
5. Solan glands.
6. Skin rashes,
Where dengue can look like similar to other diseases like ji ka chikungunya and malaria. Because many peoples with dangu have no or might symptoms causes are also often mis diagnosed and other in less the only way to know of sure if you have to go dengue to throw a laboratory test.

Best way to treat mild dengue.

Where as we know that there is no specific treatment for dengue infection and medical treatments of dengue are essentially just treatment to man is the symptoms for example medicines to treat fever and pain. We are most of the people will treat with medicine like paracetamol and pain medicine and dolo like medicines.

There are few steps to follow if you have a mild dangue.

1. Rest.
2. Drink lot of water and stray hydrated.
3. Eat nutritious food.
4. Sponge the skin with cool water to reduce fever.
5. Watch for fever symptoms and contact your doctor as soon as possible if you know that any.

Best ways to protect from dengue.

1. Avoid going outside during peak mosquito activity.
2. We are loose clothing that covers your arms and legs.
3. Wear shoes and full shocks to minimise exposed skin.
4. Spray mosquito repellent around buildings.
5. Use mosquito nets when sleeping especially during the day.
6. Use doors and mosquito screens to keep mosquito outside

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